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As stay at home moms, life weighs down on us super hard! Being a stay at home mom comes with so much backlash that other people don’t even realize! A few decades ago, being a stay at home mom was the normal thing to do because the economy was such that fathers could be the sole breadwinner and the whole family could still live comfortably! Now on the other hand, if you’re a stay at home mom you are looked down on. At least that’s how I feel, and that’s what is seen all over social media. I’m here to tell you that being a stay at home mom is far from a normal 9-5!

In a normal 9-5 day job, you get breaks. You get to talk to lots of people. In a normal job, there are breaks and vacations. Stay at home moms do not get breaks! Our coworkers are very demanding and have massive meltdowns. We don’t get breaks or even get to pee alone, and you can throw vacations without said coworkers out the window!

It’s not that we don’t absolutely love being stay at home moms, not at all! Being a stay at home mom is such an amazing opportunity! But of course we have our days. The days where nothing goes right. The days where you had to clean up poop off the floor or catch vomit in your hands. The days where your child screamed absolute bloody murder because his sippy was blue when he wanted orange. The days where the word no becomes bible. You know the ones I’m talking about! Those days seem to go on forever and it’s not for the feint of heart!

Even on the most fantastic of days, being a stay at home mom is still hard. Can I get an amen?! It could be the best day you’ve had in weeks, and yet because you didn’t get the laundry done or there are dishes in the sink, you feel that you failed! You played with your kids all day and no one cried not even you! But, you see those food fossils in the darkest corner of your child’s room. You see the dust bunnies you missed. Little things like that make your inner psycho go nuts! “You forgot to sweep. You failed so bad today.” “No, your Little didn’t have an accident today, but you didn’t clean the bathroom.” Sound familiar?

Let me tell you something. YOU are your biggest critic! You will tell yourself you failed but you know what? You woke up today and kept tiny humans alive! You’re a freaking rockstar! You played with your kids all day and no one cried not even you! That’s amazing and I think that makes you a superhero! Don’t listen to yourself or Judgemental Judy online who likes to make everyone think her house is 100 percent all the time. I promise you that’s not the truth!

You created those little people! Your body stretched and grew to impossible sizes to bring those babies in to the world! You passed those humans through your body! You spend every waking hour and then some making sure they are happy, healthy, fed, and clean! You do your best every single day to handle tantrums without pulling your hair out! As a mom, you put another or others before yourself so selflessly every single day! Diaper changes, potty training, planning and executing parties, cooking, cleaning, shopping for everything you guys need, holding your babies when they are sick, and so much more! You provide your children with a love only a mother can give! YOU are a goddess in your own right!

We do a job only mothers can do! Our bodies were made to do the impossible! Our patience and love knows no bounds! We do the extraordinary every single day! If you aren’t proud of yourself right now just know I am! I am so so SO proud of you! Don’t you dare ever tell yourself anything other than you are one in a million!

I know being a stay at home mom is madness but it’s so worth it! Being in the same setting day in and day out makes you crazy but let me enlighten you! You are more than a mother and you have gifts and talents that you may or may not know you posses! I challenge you to find those talents! Find something in your day to day life that not only gives you a break but feeds your soul! Something as simple as reading a book or baking something delightful will help you find yourself as a person!

Another great tip? Find those other stay at home moms and bring them in to your tribe! Get together and let your kids play with their kids! Bonus: your kids will get tuckered out from playing!! We all reach a point where we get stuck in our own minds and I promise you there are other women who understand and will help you! The power of friendship is everything!

Remember in the hard times, you are a superhero, a goddess, and a mother! You are beautiful and strong! You’re so vital to other’s lives! You can do hard things and you will do them with dignity and grace! You got this mama!


  1. Hanging out with other mommy friends also gives you some of your sanity back! I love reading your blog you are such a truthful person with a beautiful personality 😍


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