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It’s Been Madness For Sure!

Let me just start by saying, I have missed writing these past few weeks so much! I very much got distracted and for that I’m so sorry! This post will be a little shorter but I feel it needs to be said! My whole house was sick for a week and then I scrambled playing catch up with everything! I’m back now though!

It’s one thing when one person in the house gets sick. It’s a totally different ball game when everyone and I mean EVERYONE in the house gets sick. Not only was everyone sick but we each had different things. Sinus infections, ear infections, and even colds on steroids!

I feel like when moms get sick it makes everything worse! When moms get sick, there’s still butts to be changed. There’s little ones to cuddle and play with. There are still meals to make and dishes to be done. Laundry still has to be taken care of.. but when you’re sick your list of priorities doesn’t include chores. Even though we were all sick I seriously am thanking God for my mother in law. The first day I realized I was super sick she took care of the boys while I slept. She cooked, cleaned, and watched all the kid shows that my boys love. All while taking care of us, she herself was sick. Seriously, she’s a dang trooper!

Even after we all were on the mend, there was still catch up to be played. My toddler needed his 2 year check up as well as a dentist appointment. Laundry looked like it was going to grow legs and walk away. The stress was and is real people!

Even now almost a week and a half later,  I’m going over my mental checklist to make sure I’ve done everything! Being a mom is hard y’all. I don’t know how my mom did it but I find myself thinking “Mom, if I could go back in time knowing what I now know, I would help with every little detail that I possibly could!.” Please.. PLEASE give your mothers a hug today!

Through all of this I did learn a few things though. Number one: it’s ok and sometimes necessary to ask for help. What’s more, people are willing to help! Number two: mom guilt absolutely sucks but even judgmental Judy in my brain can take a seat because I’m doing the best I can. Number three: mother in laws are saints and are taken for granted. And last but not least number four: being a mom and getting sick shows your family won’t.. I repeat WON’T survive without you.

When you get sick and the mom guilt kicks in, please don’t listen to it. You are doing your absolute VERY best. You are human and of course you will get sick. Some things will get put on hold while you get better and that’s ok! Your family needs you to get better so taking the time to actually take care of yourself is essential!

YOU are a rockstar! Things get hard but you are a mother! You absolutely got this! Don’t ever tell yourself otherwise!


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